Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Agony of Waiting

I could not remember when I last wrote on this blog. It seemed ages ago when I was too ecstatic to keep my posts coming. But with work and family demands, I felt too uninspired to even begin typing. Too many significant events have passed, and yet the creative gush that my brain needed seemed nonexistent.

But after weeks of trying to keep up with my daily schedule, I needed some sort of release. My brain wanted me to write, finally! I guess this is partly due to the fact that I am also stressing out on the outcome of our immigrant application. Our consultant has been telling us that we should expect the response any day now, and boy I am anxious!

But like many great steps, we must embrace the risks that come with change. Although it is not quite clear if we get a positive assessment from Canada, I am still thankful for opportunities like these. Planning to migrate is like pushing yourself to go out of your comfort zone, and I am really glad that we took the first step. I will leave the rest to the Almighty because I believe that He has big plans for everyone of us. For now, I can't do anything but wait......

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Nokia 6600 Confidante


I have always been a fan of Nokia phones. Ever since I owned one more than a decade ago, there was no turning back. Through the years, I am fortunate enough to own a couple of Nokia phones and somehow when a new model would come along, I managed to easily let go. But back in the summer of March 2004, I was hooked on my newly delivered Nokia 6600 phone. Aside from being equipped with the most up to date features back then, the phone grew on me. Somehow, it was no longer sane to just let it go for a newer model.

You see, my trusty Nokia 6600 came into my life as a gift from my mom. Fresh from a very traumatic heartbreak, my phone was my life line to my family and friends who gave me so much love and support. At times when I was tempted to mend the broken lines with my EX, my Nokia 6600 reminded me that there is an appropriate time for everything. When mobile phones are intended for communication purposes, I learned through that experience that silence can sometimes be beneficial. So even if my Nokia 6600 didn’t record any messages and calls from my EX, the message was absolutely clear. I should pick up the pieces and move on.

After a few months, I managed to let go of the pain and it allowed me to focus on my own goals. And just when I was ready to bid love goodbye forever, I met Mr. Right! We started off having a long distance relationship with plenty of phone calls, which eventually led to the altar! Owning this phone means so much than having just a device to make calls because through the years, it never left me despite the rigors of wear and tear, trials, and triumphs. It’s like having a rare friend, someone whose always there and very dependable at that!

I am using a different phone now, but my Nokia 6600 has earned her rightful spot on my desk. At certain times, I switch it on because I just want hear its ever comforting tones. For me, this phone embodies the character we need to possess when faced with adversity. Thank you for being the unique symbol that you are my trusty Nokia 6600!